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Our Take on AI

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Initial Interim Report of the Texas House Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies

The Texas House Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies (the Committee) was created in 2023 to conduct a comprehensive review of the advancements and implications of artificial intelligence (AI) and emerging technologies (ET) in various sectors of society.  The Committee was directed to submit an initial interim report by May 16, 2024, to provide a broad overview of the testimony it heard in its first hearing on April 29, 2024.  The interim report covers six topics: 

  1. Background on AI and emerging technologies
  2. How AI affects homeland and national security
  3. How AI can affect elections
  4. Dangers presented by AI
  5. The intersection of cybersecurity and AI
  6. Comparing industry and advocacy perspectives. 

The report also relays a number of policy recommendations offered by each witness, which the Committee intends to explore further in subsequent hearings and reports. 

This initial interim report is only intended to give an overview of the testimony the committee heard. It is the committee’s hope that such testimony will illuminate the basic principles around artificial intelligence and emerging technologies while also drawing attention to both its stunning potential and frightening drawbacks. In addition to providing detailed summaries of the testimony, the report relays for broad consideration a number of policy recommendations offered by each witness.